Frequently asked questions answered by our experts.

 Your search for "STW1K"

50m is usually no problem. Significantly longer connection cables are possible. Shielding may be required when laying parallel to power lines.

Machine current in off state is higher than the response threshold / reset threshold.

The response threshold of the current relays must be increased so that a small current is suppressed and a current flow is only detected when the main motor is switched on.

For STW devices with potentiometer or display, set the response threshold correspondingly higher.
For STW devices without setting option, a resistor (0.25 W / 200 V) must be connected in parallel with the STWA1(H) current transformer before the relevant input of the current relay.
For changing the response threshold by the factor x, we recommend the following resistor values: 2x/750 Ohm, 4x/330 Ohm, 10x/120 Ohm. Because of the large tolerances to be taken into account, we recommend that the best values be determined by trials.

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