Control for suction plants Type STW84V
Monitoring of 8 machines (STWA1(H) or contact)
Product description
The basic function of the device is to detect whether a current is flowing in the supply line of one of several woodworking machines. If a current flow is detected, the device opens a valve on the machine's suction channel. At the same time, the extraction system is switched on. When a machine is switched off, the device closes the associated valve with a delay. If the last machine is switched off, the extraction system also stops after a delay.
The current relay STW84V monitors up to 8 alternating current sets on current flow yes/no. The inputs can analyse signals of current transformers type STWA1(H) or of potential-free contacts.
For controlling of great dedusting plants several relays can be combined.
Controlling of dedusting plants in the timber and plastic processing industry according to the technical rules for dangerous materials TRGS 553. The central suction is switched on, as soon as any machine is put into operation. According slide-valves in the suction ducts of the individual machines are opened. In addition, cleaning of a filter (vibration) and a cellular wheel/discharge can be controlled, an external cleaning (with pressurized air) can be started or exceeding of max. volume flow can be reported. The analog output 0...10 V can control a frequency-converter at the motor of the ventilator and thus optimize performance and save energy.
- Monitoring of 8 machines (STWA1(H) or contact)
- input for "open all slide-valves"
- 8 relays (with change-over contacts) for slide-valves
- 1 relay for control ventilator
- 1 relay for filter-cleaning
- 1 relay for control of cellular wheel/discharge or report exceeding max. volume-flow
- analog output for control of frequency-converter and combination of more STW84V
- terminals pluggable
- universal supply voltage AC/DC 24-240 V
- Accessory: Installation frame ER8 for panel mount
Overview of functions
- run-after last slide-valve 0... 99 s
- turn-off delay ventilator 0...99 s
- minimum volume-flow 1...100 %, (if necessary automatic opening of additional slide-valves, beginning with K8)
- maximum volume-flow 5... 100 %
Individually adjustable per channel
- turn-on-delay I1... I8: 0... 20 s
- turn-off-delay relay K1...K8: 0... 99 s
- operating value I1...I8: app. 0.5... 5 A
- volume-flow of slide-valves 1...100 %
Combination of more STW84V
Master-relay considers volume-flow of other relays for
- control of suction-fan (relay K9 and analog output 0-10 V)
- opening of additional slide-valves
- adding time for filter-cleaning
- report of exceeding max. volume-flow
Control of cleaning (dedusting) of filters
The run time of the suction is added with consideration of the volume flow. The dedusting of the filters is started after the programmed time is reached (starts only with when suction off).
- time for addition: 0... 99 min.
- added time stored permanently even at loss of power (power failure or upon completion of work)
- delay before start of dedusting: 0... 990 s
- number of dedusting impulses: 0... 20
- impulse-on-time: 1... 30 s
- impulse-off-time: 1... 990 s
- time of continuous dedusting: 0... 990 s
- alternatively impulse shaking 0.1... 9.9 s (square)
- alternatively request for external dedusting (with running suction)
- input for external dedusting command (after next stop of suction)
- controlling a cellular wheel / discharge during dedusting
Displays and operation
- 7-segment-display for settings during programming, in operation display of the volume flow
- 8 LEDs for input/output selection and display of the active inputs/outputs
- 9 LEDs for function selection
- easy programming
Technical Data
Rated supply voltage Us
AC/DC 24-240 V
50 / 60 Hz
Power consumption
< 12 VA
Voltage tolerance
-15 ... + 10 %
Frequency tolerance
48 ... 62 Hz
Voltage output +U
DC 17-21 V
max. 120 mA at Us = 230 V (max. 8 Current sensors S1)
max. 10 mA at Us = 24 V (0 Current sensor S1)
1...8 STWA1(H), contact or AC/DC 24 V
Internal resistance of inputs
ca.15 kΩ
current overload capacity
max. 100 A continuously, max. 300 A for 10 s
Operating value
adjustable 0.5 … 5 A
±20 %
Command inputs
Y2, external dedusting command
I1&I8, command all valves open
internal resistance of inputs
ca.15 kΩ
Relay output (1 change-over (co) contact)
DC 17...21 V, max. 120 mA (max. 8 x Stromsensor S1)
Switching voltage
max. AC 250 V
Switching current
max. 5 A
Switching power
max. 1250 VA (ohmic load)
max.48 W at DC 24 V
Rated operational current Ie
Ie = 2 A .... Ue = 250 V
Ie = 2 A .... Ue = 24 V
Ie = 0.2 A .... Ue = 125 V
Ie = 0.1 A .... Ue = 250 V
Expected life mechanical
3 x 107 operations
Expected life electrical
1 x 106 operations with AC 250 V / 5 A
2 x 106 operations with AC 250 V / 3 A
2 x 107 operations with AC 250 V / 1 A
Derating factor cosφ 0,7
Testing conditions (EN 61010)
Rated insulation voltage Ui
AC 250 V
Pollution degree
Rated impulse voltage
4000 V
EN 61326 (industrial electromagnetic environment)
EN 61326 CISPR 11 Class B
Max. ambient temperature
-20 … +45 °C, EN 60068-2-2 dry heat
-20 °C ... +60 °C at I+U < 20 mA (current at +U)
Design / Installation Frame
V 8 switchgear mount / Front mounting kit ER8, 8 TE
Dimensions (H x B x T)
90 x 140 x 58 mm, mounting height 55 mm
wire connection
1 x 1.5 mm2 per pole
protection housing/terminals
IP 30 / IP 20
fitting position
snap mounting on 35 mm standard rail EN 60715 or screws M4
approx. 350 g
Schutzart Klemmen
IP 20
1 mm 25 Hz/10 g 25 - 100 Hz
10 g ..... 20 ms
20 g ..... 4 ms
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