Universal-Instrument MINIPAN SE352
Universal-Messgerät for Panel-mount 48 x 96 mm, 4-digits, -1999...9999, 2 programmable limits, protection housing front side IP54
Product description
With its 4 digit, 14 mm high display, Digital Panelmeters of MINIPAN SE 352-series allow the accurate display of different values in the range -1999 ... +9999. Measuring inputs AC (True RMS), DC current and voltage and measuring of restistance and of temperatures with various sensors are combined in one instrument. Two programmable switching points allow applications as limit-switch or 2- or 3-point controller.
With EasyLimit the switching points can be set easily. Other parameters are blocked and thus protected from unindended manipulation.
With its analog output it is in addition a measuringtransducer. The display can be easily programmed by the user (e.g. input DC 4-20 mA / display 0-350.0 m/s or 0...200 Ω / 0...3000 mm or AC 0-5 A / 0-400.0 A). In addition the built-in universal power-supply AC/DC 24-240 V makes it even more versatile.
- Temperature
- Pt 100 (RTD) , Pt 1000, KTY 83 and KTY 84 in 2- or 3-wire connection
- Thermocouples type B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T
- Measuring range –170 ... +1820 °C
- Resolution 0.1 °C (up to 999.9 C)
- Display in °C or °F
- AC/DC-measuring inputs
- 300 mV for measuring current with external shunt
- 1 and 5 A for direct measuring of current (or AC with external transformer)
- 500 V
- 10 V for standard signals
- 20 mA for standard signals
- AC-measuring TrueRMS
- Measuring of resistance
- Ranges 0...500 Ω, 0...30 kΩ
- Easy programming with 3 buttons and supporting display
- Display (zero, fullscale, decimal point)
- 2 switching points with hysteresis and delays
- EasyLimit for easy setting of alarms
- Switching with automatic reset or interlocked
- MIN/MAX-contacts or operating-/closed current mode of relays
- Storage of MIN- and MAX-values
- Average of multiple measurings
- Simulation of operation
- Code-lock against manipulation of settings
- Outputs 2 potential-free change-over contacts (co)
- Supply-voltage for external measuring transducer 4-20 mA
- Sticker with different measuring units included
- Terminals pluggable
- Mounting dimensions 48 x 96 mm
- Splash-proof frontside IP54
- Supply-voltage AC/DC 24-240 V
- Analog output 4...20 mA (insulated when externally supplied)
Technical Data
Power supply
Rated supply-voltage Us
AC/DC 24-240 V
Tolerance DC
DC 20 - 297 V (0,85 x 24 V...1,35 x 220 V)
Tolerance AC
AC 20 - 264 V (0,85 x 24 V...1,1 x 240 V)
Power consumption
< 3 W, < 10 VA
48...62 Hz
Measuring inputs
potentially separated from supply-voltage
(always connect 1 input only at the same time)
± 300 mV / 29 kΩ / max. ±2,5 V
Measuring-range / input-Resistance / overload capacity
± 10.00 V / 1 MΩ / max. ±50 V
± 500.0 V / 3 MΩ / max. ±600 V
± 20.00 mA / Shunt 8 Ω/ max. ±100 mA
± 1.00 A / Shunt 150 mΩ / max. ±2 A
± 5.00 A / Shunt 30 mΩ / max. ±7,5 A für 10 s
300 mV / 20 kΩ / max. 2,5 V
Measuring-range / input-Resistance / overload capacity
10.00 V / 1 MΩ / max. 50 V
500.0 V / 3 MΩ / max. 600 V
20.00 mA / Shunt 8 Ω / max. 100 mA
1.00 A / Shunt 150 mΩ / max. 2 A
5.00 A / Shunt 30 mΩ / max. 7,5 A für 10 s
Messuring of resistance
0...500 Ω
0... 30 kΩ
- 199,9 ... + 850,0 °C (= -328 ... +1563 °F)
Pt 100, Pt 1000, KTY 83, KTY 84, 2- or 3-wire connection, line-resistance max. 3x 50 Ω
B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T
Measuring time DC
< 300 ms x Ø
Measuring time AC
< 700 ms + 300 ms x Ø
Measuring time temperature + Resistance
< 600 ms (3-wire + thermocouple)
< 300 ms (2-wire)
Relay output
Typ 2, see general technical informations
2x1 change-over) contanct
Analog output
4-20 mA (insulated when externally supplied)
Supply-voltage for loop-powered measuring transducer and analog output
DC 15-20 V / max. 45 mA
-1999 / +9999
Error DC (of FullScale)
± 0,1 % ± 1 Digit ± 0,02 % K
Error AC (of FullScale)
± 0,5 % ± 1 Digit ± 0,05 % K
Error resistance
(of value)
500 Ω: 0,2 % ± 0,5 Ω
30 kΩ: 0,5 % ±2 Ω
Error Pt 100 (of value)
± 0,2 % ± 0,5 K ± 0,04 °C/K
Design SE
panel-mount housing
Dimensions (h x w x d)
48 x 96 x 100 mm
panel-mount, panel cutout 45 +0,6 x 92 +0,8 mm max. thickness of panel: 8 mm
Rated ambient temperaturerange
-20...+60 °C
Protection housing
front-side IP 54, back-side IP 20
Protection terminals
IP 20
approx. 240 g
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